Aloha k?kou,
Pehea k?kou? How are we all doing? We hope the first week of the term wasn't too overwhelming and that everyone is getting settled in.
Just in case some of you did not get the memo or are just logging into your Leok? account and getting started with the ha?awina, there are a few things that you "must" do prior to commencing with your particular mokuna lessons in regard to the recent upgrade of our FirstClass Client software, Leok?.
1. Download the latest version of FirstClass Client (9.106) here:
You will not be able to successfully read recently created email/ha?awina if you do not download, install and use the latest version of Leok?, which now only uses Unicode fonts.
2. Download the attached PDF and follow the instructions to install and configure Leok? on your computer.
3. Read all posts in the newly created "Kakoo Leoki" (K?ko?o Leok?) folder/conference which can be found on your Leok? desktop. Locate it and read the posts in it from Kumu Keola Donaghy (get rid of those red flags). Any further Leok? questions/problems should be sent to tech support and any updates will be posted in said folder.
One of the first steps to do, as explained in the "Kakoo Leoki" folder, is to set your default font within your Leok? preferences menu to "Lucida Grande" (Mac) or "Lucida Sans" (Windows). From now on, all typing within Leok? will employ the Hawaiian Unicode keyboard, same as it is done on Niuolahiki. The "Papa Pihi HI" keyboard and "Keyman" are now obsolete.
Mahalo again for joining us this term and for your patience and understanding in regard to this very necessary software update. Laki maika?i (good luck) and i mua k?kou!
na Kumu ?Alika
P.S. We are still working on the "sorting" issue so that all personal email, posts from your kumu and lessons can be sorted on "Last Modified" and grouped by "Subject" making it easy to view in Leok?. We will keep you posted.