In response to the pandemic shutdown in 2020, the ʻAha Pūnana Leo created this self-directed Hawaiian language program with online Hawaiian resources and activities geared toward keiki and the entire ʻohana. The cost for a year’s subscription is $75.00 per family which will get you instant access to 12 units of lessons filled with videos, games and printable worksheets covering numbers, colors, shapes and more!
Create a free account and return here to complete enrollment via PayPal (Step 2 below) by doing the following:
1. Create a new account via the link below here:
2. Return to this page, click on the green “Hawaiian Language for Keiki at Home” link above to the left, log in (if prompted) then scroll down to the bottom of the page to make payment via PayPal.
Cost: $100.00 $75 /year
*The Summer Special for new and continuing Pūnana Leo ʻohana must be accessed via the link or QR code shared at the recent Zoom Hui Kīpaepae Pae ʻĀina in order to receive the discounted rate. This special will end on July 6th.
*The Summer Special for graduating Pūnana Leo ʻohana will be announced on or before June 30th via email. This special will end on July 31st.
- Ke Kumu: Kumu Kaleimaile
- Ke Kumu: Kumu Kēhau